Claudia Rosillo
Designer / Owner of Texturable, Home studio, Uruguay

Please give us an introduction on who you are and where do you come from?
My name is Claudia, but nobody calls me like that, for everybody I am Iaia, here it's a common nickname for grandmother, which makes me think of all the similarities I have with grandmas…and believe me they are a lot! I am from Uruguay, I was born in Montevideo in a beautiful family, as numerous as united. We have sacred traditions, like family Sunday´s lunch, birthdays or holidays all together. We also have an intrinsic relationship with the countryside; my grandparents own a farm which accentuated my love for nature and simple things since I was a child.
How did you start creating your own brand?
As a young girl my mother taught me to how to sew and when I was a teenager in high school I started making my own clothes and sold also to my Friends. I think by that time, those moments were the ones that made me realized that it was possible to do something that people want, desire. This feeling have always grown in me, once I started the Textile Design career at university, I was filled with knowledge and learning which complimented my creative side. At this point it was possible to visualize that what I was doing as a hobby could become a way of life and a personal development.
Is there a story behind the name of your company Texturable?
Yes, there is. Texturable was originally the name of my graduation collection from EUCD (in Spanish, Escuela Universitaria Centro de Diseño, in English, Design Center University School) and it combines two words that summarise the vision of the product, “texturas sustentables” (in English, sustainable textures).
Do you do your clothes all by yourself?
Yes, I do. I am very exigent with what I do and I like things to be perfect, this is why for a very long time I worked with no one else but myself. Then, when you start growing and the market demands your product it is very hard to work on your own. Therefore, not so long ago I started working with other craftswomen to make part of some processes and thus being able to fulfill the demand of the products and the growth of my brand.
Could you explain quickly the steps of the process?
Here is a summary of the sequence of events in creating an item: Sheep – shearing – wool fleece – washing – combing – wool top – yarn or felt – knitting, weaving – dyeing, embroidery, fretwork, stamping – cut – dressmaking – ironing – ready to go!
What's your favorite part in the process?
That's a difficult question, I actually love and enjoy every step of the process. However, my favorites parts are selecting the wool I will use from my grandparents farm and the dying.
What or who inspire you to create new pieces?
For sure my biggest inspiration is nature. I am very enthusiastic and I enjoy researching with the materials and generally I make around 50 different textures to start a new collection. I am very aware of the world, so the fashion trends and what surrounds me are also part of the motivation in my work. I always keep the vision and nature of my brand though.
What are your first memories of clothes when you were a child? And could you explain how your mother encouraged you?
My first memories are the woolen sweaters that we wore in the farm during winter! Feeling the comfort and warmth when we were horse-back riding and working outdoors is something I never forget. My mother and my grandmother taught me to knit and the first things I knitted myself were gloves without fingers. The first garment I learned to make perfectly was trousers, I didn't really like any to buy, so my mom taught me to adjust and sew trousers to perfection! I made a lot for myself and I sold a lot more to my girlfriends. My moms passion for dressmaking found grew in me, with my desire to create and my manual skills, she has always helped me and encouraged me to develop the profession I perform today.
What object, tool or anything else you absolutely can't work without?
Paper, pencil, measuring tape and music.
Do you have some projects for the future that you want to talk about?
Wow! I have so many projects for the future in mind. I am always projecting myself towards where to go, sometimes these are places where I would get in 10 years’ time, but I am always writing my thoughts down and try not to forget where I want to go. Something I can tell you now, it is becoming real, I'm gonna have my own website, from where I am planning to show and sell my products. I am so excited to grow, step by step and with conscious. What I would like the most is to travel and find new destinations for Texturable.
What brought you to Punta Rubia , Uruguay, and how long have you been leaving here?
I´ve been living in Punta Rubia for two years now, is a beautiful place that combines beach, woods, countryside and hills. It's a privilege in every sense. I moved here because my boyfriend is from that place and his business is also located here and we believe for our young son, this is the best place to spend his childhood. We have a beautiful house in front of the ocean and several wooden cabins that we rent to tourists in the summer.
Describe Punta Rubia in 3 words.
Nature – Calm – Yoga (being present)
What is your favorite place to eat in Punta Rubia?
Punta Rubia is not a very developed town, so the nearest place with restaurants is a town called “La Pedrera”, which is 7 blocks from my home. My favorite places there are “Casa Dulce”, they have delicious salads and cakes, and then the classic Uruguayan Chivito from the restaurant “Petisco”.
What are your favorite spots in Punta Rubia or nearly when you want to relax?
The beach here is great before January and after February, when there isn't much people (tourist mainly) and you can really enjoy the peace. “El valle de la luna” (Moon Valley) is an incredible place to take a walk or ride your bike. The scenery is amazing as you go through a native dense wood and then you encounter a moon-like landscape. During the weekends I travel to the countryside near the town of Castillos in the “Palmares de Rocha” (land extension with palm trees), where there is a small cascade to refresh yourself and a lot of shade where to picnic and take a nice “siesta”.
Photos by MONTE Photography .