I'm very excited to introduce you to my new... Dreamy Bedspread!
If you always ever wanted to have a soft, fresh, modern, and unique Bedspread blanket,... well, you just find it!
This one will make your bedroom looks special and pleasant.

This cotton fabric is made with a chevron knitted cotton. It has been hand-dyed and pre-washed with an organic washing powder.
Every Dreamy Bedspread I sell are absolutely unique by their pattern. I hand dyed them myself and each time, they came out beautifully and differently.

For the moment only the Full/Queen size (90x120 inches) is available on
Happy French Gang in pastel mint with a touch of neon orange thread. But I will add pretty soon new sizes and colors.

PS: If you're wondering where does come this beautiful ice-cream garland on the first pic... Check out
Chloe Fleury's shop! And concerning the pillows, take a look to the pink Cloudy Pillow