Since the beginning of September until now I was really busy. My parents came from France in town, I went to French Polynesia for our honeymoon and I worked for many great projects!
1/ 2/ We spent a day in Santa Cruz and it was a perfect with that sun and my parents around. Leon played a carnival game for the first time and wined an intrigued banana!
3/ 4/ Stinston Beach with Grandma and the fabulous America's Cup. I'm proud of my town for the installations they made for that event. It was great!
5/ 6/ These shoes belong to Nikki Garcia and Ethan Jamison. Each of them run a business with wonderful products. I interviewed them in their studio and you can look at the pictures by clicking on their name above!
7/ Family time at Ocean Beach. Wearing an A's cap and eating pizza... The American cliché!
8/ Neighborhood fair in the Mission. Since then Leon ask me regularly to make him look like a cat!
9/ My interview of Julia Szendrei got published with 8 pages in My Little World, the magazine edited by My Little Paris.
10/ 11/ Ivan and I spent 10 days between Moorea, Bora Bora and Tahiti. If you'd like to take a look at the pictures: Moorea, Bora Bora.