

Hi everyone.

I hope you're all doing great. My little family is doing really good under the Californian sun. On our way to a fabulous birthday party we stopped with Léon for a mini shoot. I wanted to immortalize his origami bow that his Japanese intern teacher made for him this week. It's so cute and he is really proud of it.

On my side the new collection is 70% done I could say. I'm still working on new designs and would like to find new fabrics for napkins. The website is under re-construction, and I'm really happy about it. You can already take a look over here. Thanks Ivan! We have a tagline now and the shop is better organized. Yay!
Also we're part of a new online shop where you can find the boutiques of your favorite bloggers. And we got a really nice feature on Decor8! Please take look here

For the blog, a big change too. I renamed it! Bye bye Happy Morning Blog. Hello Happy French Gang Blog. It will be easier for everyone but especially for me! Unfortunately I had to put down my beautiful header and will try to find something that goes well with my brand's style in the next coming months. Also starting from September a new interview will be on the blog every week or two. Stay tuned!

Wish you a very good week!

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